1930 - 1939

Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1931 Feb 22 Aristarchus Reddish-yellow Joulia Joulia 1931
1931 Mar 27 Tycho Central mountain gray although crater interior was in full shadow Barker Moore 1953; Green 1965
1931 Aristarchus Bluish glare Goodacre, Molesworth Goodacre 1931
1932 Apr 15, 06h57m Plato Sudden appearance of white spot like cloud Goddard and friend Pop. Astr. 1932
1933 Mar 30 Aristarchus region White Douillet Douillet 1933
1933 Sep 1 Neighbourhood of Pico, and Pico B Haze observed Rawstron Rawstron 1937
1933 Oct 1 Neighbourhood of Pico, and Pico B Haze observed Rawstron Rawstron 1937
1936 May 4 Eratosthenes Detected small bright spots on crater floor Martz Haas 1942
1936 Oct 4 Eratosthenes Many small bright spots on crater floor, some of which Martz detected, but Johnson drew bright bands in their positions Haas Haas 1942
1936 Oct 25 Eratosthenes Small bright spots on floor of crater Haas Haas 1942
1937 Feb 14 Cassini Bright spot Andrenko Azevado 1962
1937 Sep 17 Aristarchus Bright streak H.M. Johnson Haas 1942
1937 Sep 28 Riccioli Color of dark area was deep purple; next night same with vivid hue Haas Haas 1942
1937 Oct 26 Alphonsus, Herschel, and Ptolemaeus Milky floors Alter Alter 1959
1937 Dec 12 Plato Strongly marked streak of orange-brown on E wall Barker Barker 1940
1938 Jan 16-17 Plato Brownish gold-veined surface of color irregularly laid on smooth floor of crater Barker Barker 1940
1938 Feb 14 Plato Golden-brown spot on E wall very prominent, with a yellowish glow without a definite boundary spreading over floor of crater Fox Barker 1940
1939 Feb 23 Aristarchus Bright spot Andrenko Azevado 1962
1939 Mar 29, 19h00m Copernicus; 15 min Central mountain group seen distinctly as diffuse light spot. Sunrise on peaks did not begin until 22h00m Wilkins Wilkins 1954
1939 Aug 2, 00h10m Schickard Dense fog Moore Wilkins and Moore 1958; Firsoff 1962 ed., p.80
1939 Oct 19 Macrobius Floor of crater reddish-brown, a hue ordinarily absent Barcroft Haas 1942
1939 Dec 27 Aristarchus Slight bluish tinge on the still brilliant W wall Barcroft Haas 1942; Firsoff 1962 ed., p.84

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